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Join us at our event, plus an important update!


The Save Record Ridge Action Committee (SRRAC) wishes to invite you to an evening where we can gather as a community to cherish our connection to Record Ridge through a curated Record Ridge-themed art and photography silent auction, listen to short keynote presentations about the the ecological significance of the Record Ridge grassland ecosystem, learn about the importance of Rossland’s tourism industry, and get an update from SRRAC about where we are in the process and next steps. 

The event will be at the Miner’s Hall in Rossland from 6-10:30 PM on Thursday the 7th of November. There will be live music, prizes, SRRAC merchandise for sale and pickup, and much more. Stay tuned for more details including our artist, photographer, and band lineup.

This event is timely because a schedule from the Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI) recently revealed that a permit for the mine could be issued as early as this December. SRRAC’s position is that the proponent is again attempting to avoid an Environmental Assessment (EA), this time by claiming that they have reduced the mine’s production capacity from 200,000 tonnes to 63,500 tonnes, which is below the threshold for an EA. We’ve reviewed the amended application and updated mine plan in detail and our assessment is that while the company may be limiting production, the mine’s actual production capacity - determined largely by its design and infrastructure - remains largely unchanged. Our analysis shows that the mine is well over the threshold and will still require an EA. We’ll provide updates on our efforts at the event, including discussion on the evidence we will be submitting to EMLI and the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO).

Have a look for yourself - the amended application can be found here. We think you’ll see that the mine hasn’t substantially changed and should still require an EA. Help us send a strong message to EMLI to let them know that the proponent shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this. Email can be sent to: (Regional Office), (Regional Director for Mining Operations -Cranbrook), and (Chief Permitting Officer for BC). 

Lastly, a note on SRRAC merchandise - stay tuned for a coming mailout with details on some Save Record Ridge apparel.  These will be available for pre-order and pickup will be during our event.

Thank you for your continued support. Together we can Save Record Ridge and we hope to see you on November 7th!

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