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Indigenous, Environmental, Government and Community groups request that the Record Ridge open pit Magnesium Mine be designated as reviewable

Indigenous Groups, ECCC, the US the Washington State Department of Ecology, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, and the City of Rossland, SRRAC, all either requesting or suggesting that the Record Ridge open pit magnesium mine be designated as reviewable.

Check them out:

“... to the review of Record Ridge Industrial Mineral Mine Project to designate as a reviewable project. We wish to advise the Environmental Assessment Office that the Shuswap Band is not in support of the Record Ridge Industrial Mineral Mine Project …”

"... we must insist that a formal Environmental Assessment be undertaken, given the preliminary concerns we have about impacts of the project which could affect our section 35 rights, including impact on heritage resources, cultural plants, wildlife and water quality."

"Splatsin supports the recommendation from Wildsight for an environmental assessment to be required prior to any development or approval of this work"

“Ecology requests an Environmental Assessment of the project occur before the Ministry continues with required permitting, which should include detailed analysis regarding the issues outlined in this letter. Ecology has an interest in this project, proposed just over three miles (5.5 km) north of our shared border.”

“U.S. EPA would support British Columbia EAO’s designation of the mine as a reviewable project. The U.S. EPA would be willing and interested in participating in the review process.”

“ECCC is of the view that more up-to-date and accurate mapping of Mountain Holly Fern occurrences and suitable habitat in the Project area would be important to help inform the decision on whether to undertake an environmental assessment for the project. ECCC requests to be informed if the proposed project is designated as reviewable, and an environmental assessment under the BC Environmental Assessment Act is undertaken.”

“...the Board of Directors requests that the proposed Record Ridge Industrial Mineral Mine by West High Yield Resources be designated as a reviewable project under Section 11 of the Environmental Assessment Act (2018)...”

“City of Rossland has significant concerns with the Record Ridge Industrial Mineral Mine Project Application.”


"we are writing to inform you that it is Wildsight’s position that the proposed Record Ridge mine near Rossland, BC is a reviewable project requiring an environmental impact assessment"

"SRRAC submits that the proposed Record Ridge mine is a reviewable project pursuant to Section 9 of the Environmental Assessment Act, SBC 2018, c 51 and Sections 9 and 10 of the Reviewable Projects Regulation, BC Reg 243/2019.

In the alternative, if the EAO does not agree (based an incorrect application of the Act and Regulation), then SRRAC requests that the Minister or Chief Executive Assessment Officer designate the Proposed Mine as a reviewable project pursuant to Sections 11 or 12 of the Act, ensuring that a proper environmental assessment is conducted that adequately accounts for Indigenous interests and the environmental, economic, social, cultural and health effects of the Proposed Mine."

Expert Report of Dr Lee A. Groat on behalf of SRRAC regarding mineralogy of RRIMM (Submitted as as supporting evidence by SRRAC) 

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